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Woven Ink is an animation and creative studio.

We work with researchers and organisations to share and amplify their work in compelling and beautiful ways.

We strive to connect people and audiences to stories and lived experiences, through hand-made, thoughtfully crafted animations and visuals.

Recent Work

This year during Eating Disorder Awareness Week we launched our new film ‘Food Insecurity in Eating Disorders’.

Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to a sufficient amount of nutritious food. Across the UK, 14% of households experience moderate to severe levels of food insecurity, with this incidence rate being elevated in people with a mental health diagnosis.

The words and experiences featured in this animation were inspired by answers from a survey conducted by the EDIFY programme (a four-year programme of research focused on how we understand and treat eating disorders in young people). Many thanks to all of the participants for providing such important data on this issue.

Featured work

Festival Selections & Awards

Winner | Best membership communication | TUC Trade Union Communication Award 2018

Finalist Mental Health Film Prize | WHO | Health for All Film Festival 2020

Winner Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | THE Awards 2021

Who we’ve worked with, and what they’ve said about us